Monday, October 01, 2007

Buckingham Palace Plonker

There is a funny little gesture story in the news these days. It is about a guard who is making little gestures (and doing a little dance) while he is supposed to be standing very still. Buckingham Palace Plonker The peak of the stroke of a wanker gesture? (source)
On the YouTube: Buckingham Palace Plonker. "Shocking behavior by one of the Queen's Guards in front of Buckingham Palace. Exclusive footage never seen before in front of Buckingham Palace." (little dance - checking time)
Elsewhere the Telegraph reports: "The video clip shows him turning his head - apparently to catch the attention of a colleague - before shaking his right fist up and down. Perhaps realizing that he is being watched, he quickly morphs the gesture into a more typical if slightly camp wave, before resuming his sentry duty." That is a nice and detailed analysis of the gesture that the Foot Guard is making. A wanker gesture that is camouflaged by morphing it into a wave. I concur. And whoever made the analysis, please keep up the good work. Update 1 hour later: It could also be a combination of 'wanker' and 'hurry up', possibly sending a message like 'hey wanker, hurry up". Maybe his colleague was slow on his routine? (see the comments in the Sun)

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