Thursday, September 14, 2006

The People of Nunavut Rule

I am much impressed by the humanist Inuit, aren't they nice people? If a community has its own language they seem happy to recognize it oficially. Are you using native Inuit Sign Language instead of ASL? No problemo. At (nice blog) they have been following events. Why can't it be like Nunavut everywhere? Because they live so far apart, their signs are very big... (lame joke) Brave explorer , a reported specialist in language and perception, risked the frosty territories to discover the Inuit sign language. It has an estimated 3 users. No, I am kidding, it could well be that from the 155 deaf people in Nunavut, there is a larger percentage using it. Inuit counting signs? Enlarge This reminds me of a speech from a top European civil servant at ICED 2005. Europe counts many languages, and each of them is recognized. Even though member states are still struggling with recognizing their native sign languages (NGT, VGT, DGS, ETC), Europe sees no problem in it. If there are already 40 languages in use, then one or two extra do not cause big additional problems. Life can be simple.

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